



select character for bio

Jayden Fox

Victoria Nimitz

George Petrossian

Joyce Leshwater

Jonathan Harder

Alain Arnault

Jeffrey Oniger

Isabella Abana

Special Thanks

J. Robert Faulkner. Rem Khaibrakmanov. Marc Jackson. Donna La Brecque. The "O."

Early 30s. Smart, competitive and desirable. Jayden is a success junkie on the rise—yet he invaribly finds himself incessantly falling into harrowing circumstances.

60s. Passionate, narcissistic and alluring. Victoria is a rock star in her industry who gets what she elbows for. But what's 'tangible' isn't always enough—or what she originally thought it would be.

Mid-50s. Polished, formidable and striking. George is a charismatic powerhouse whose obsession with professional achievement and dominance leads to the realization of his own mortality.

40s. Compassionate, apprehensive and sympathetic. Joyce is everyone's best friend. She's half-baked and absentminded, but a catalyst of change to those she touches.

Mid-20s. Trendy, tenderhearted and 'hunky.' Jonathan is looking for balance and fulfillment in a world that's unnerving and unpredictable. He's a remarkable young gay man looking for empathy and goodwill.

Early 30s. Exacting, hard-edged and tousled. Alain is a French beau gosse new to LA's fractured social landscape. He struggles with identification, immersion and adaptation—fodder for the exposition he blazons to one and all.

30s. Free-spirited, zany yet lovable. Jeffrey is a misfit from the sixties. His is a story about life and its challenges— confrontation with the shadowy monsters who creep in upon us. The answer: "Just lay back and light up the next fatty."

Early 20s. Ebullient, gifted, let alone exquisite. Isabella is an integrated Hispanic coming-of-ager. The world is her oyster, yet her deep dilemma is a prodigious intuition that surprises and confounds together with an implacable urge to find perfect love.

Principal Cast